Portfolio Development


opportunities depend on shared assumptions and mental associations of factors shaping the future external business environment.  What these factors are and how these factors may interact to influence 'tomorrow' will affect the relative success of innovation and technology choices made 'today'. 

A shared understanding of the future is necessary for leaders and their partners to choose the best innovations and technology investments amongst alternate investments.  Without a shared outlook on the future, leadership's ablitiy to make sound coherent choices among alternate innovation and technology investments is limited.

FFI solves these dilema's by engaging leaders and forward thinkers to look out into the future to become aware of their own beliefs about the future and where those beliefs diverge from those of their peers.  By becoming vulnerable, for the moment, provides valuable insights for;

  • Business Strategy Formation (Where do we collectively see opportunities?),
  • Brand / Market Story Board (How will our current brand and market strategy change over time?)
  • Innovation Opportunity Identification (What innovations do we currently have and where do we need to invest?)
  • Technology Investments (How will we protect these innovation investments with technologies?)



A core team comprised of your top forward thinkers.  FFI will spend several weeks preparing this team for the main workshop event by understanding all work done to
date, key challenges, opportunities, cultural landscape, and development of a preliminary project plan. This may
also include prework to study your existing efforts.